Tags: dispositivi digitali, s, sostenibilità, sviluppo tecnologico


Studente : Kristen Abberley, Amalia Awad, Ann Jackson Edwards, Melyis Cabrero
Data : 10/11/2021

Grow food in cities and connect with nature

Descrizione del progetto

In the year 2050, it is estimated that nearly two thirds of the world’s population will be living in an urban environment. Now, close your eyes and imagine yourself 20 years from now, living in a rapidly growing city: a lot has changed. There are more buildings, a lot more people and you really feel disconnected from nature.
Now, let’s pause and imagine a different future.
A lot has still changed, there still are a lot more buildings and more people, but the walls you pass on your walk home are covered in plants. There are children from local schools and others in the community, tending to and harvesting produce from these vertical gardens. As you arrive back to your apartment, you have your own vertical garden in your kitchen, you snip off some parsley and you begin to cook your dinner.

Vivido is a vertical gardening kit installed in any wall surface indoor or outdoor, within the home or your community. Vivido will be more accessible and affordable than current competition with added services for installation, design and maintenance.
But I bet you’re all wondering what vertical gardening and digitalization have to do with one another? Well, we created Vivido using technology to provide access to gardening for those living in cities.
Our gardening kits are designed using 3D printed technology and recycled materials.
They will be sold online via a website that includes features to help guide the customer to the best type of gardening kit for their needs.
This includes geographic location, amount of sunlight and other design preferences for their vertical gardening kit.

The Vivido team envisions a future where cities are designed with nature and their residents can grow healthy food even in the smallest of spaces.

We would love to hear from you, any ideas or feedback you may have. Please email us at growvivido@gmail.com and follow us on instagram at @growvivido.

Thank you!


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