Amafruit: the one marketplace for fruits and vegetables
Student : Giovanni Desiderio, Donna Mashat, Sakhi Sobti, Mikhail Martynov
Date : 10/11/2021
The one marketplace for fruits and vegetables
Project description
Hello everyone! Are you familiar with the food and vegetable market supply chain? It begins with production, then to the wholesale, then to the retailers and then, finally to you, the consumers.
Today we want to focus on Business to Business solutions and as you can guess, the wholesale market is a great place for it.
Now, let’s talk about two things: first, what does already exist.
Second, what does not already exist.
So first: retailers, that you all know, such as groceries stores, hotels, restaurants, cafes and big supermarkets – they all need to refill their food and vegetables somewhere, right?
Well, most of the time, since they need a high variety of products, they buy from the wholesale markets, so the wholesale markets already exist.
Now, when those retailers do not have the opportunity to go to those wholesale markets, what do they do? They buy from other distributors, whose job is to go to the wholesale market, refill products and distribute them to such retailers.
So, connections between retailers and wholesale markets already exist. And we have been taught when things already exist, it means that there is a market to enter into.
But smart people do it with innovation.
Now, second, what does not already exist and we want to create, it’s an online platform like a website or a mobile app where different sellers place in the wholesale market can sell their products to the clients, and do it digitally.
We are talking of a digital wholesale marketplace.
This market that we are creating is called Amafruit: we are here to ask for your help and support to develop our startup.
Thank you for your attention, you can reach to us on our Instagram handle: Amafruit, the best marketplace